Pauner computer arm rest is excellent tool for all computer users. The delivery includes also extra thickness mouse pad which is designed to use with this computer arm rest. So this is also mouse armrests and elbow desk for computer users.

Ergonomic computer arm rest for computer users
Pauner computer desk elbow support is easy to install on all typical dekstops by strong metallic brackets.
This Pauner computer arm rest gives support to both hands so it reduces strain on hands and shoulders when working on the computer. Surface material is soft comfortable lycra fabric. The inner material strong metal and wood so it is sturdy professional ergonomic equipment.
computer arm rest mouse armrest

Pauner computer arm rest mouse armrest

Arm rest and mousepad.
computer arm rest mouse armrest
The Pauner computer arm rest is mady by strong materials so it is sturdy professional tool.
computer arm rest support mouse arm rest
This is also excellent mouse armrest, because delivery includes also special thickness mousepad.
computer desk elbow support mouse armrest
The Pauner computer arm rest gives support for both arms so it reduces strain on hands and shoulders .
install computer arm rest mouse arm rest elbow rest

Easy to install

Maximum thickness of tabletop is 38mm by standard brackets. If you need install to thicker tabletop, please send email to us pauner(at) and ask bigger brackets accessory. If you need install to curved tabletop then install only one bracket to the center.

Video demonstration how to use ergonomic forearm rest.

Ergonomic position importan when working on computer.

measures of the computer arm rest mouse armrest
compter desk elbow support brackets
forearm rest mouse armrest computer armrest support